Ecologic, handmade basket, stool furrizzi, wooden Ferula Etna by Don Alfio, my dad

– Ecologic, green useful handmade basket and stool made by my dad, also known here in Randazzo, as “Don Alfio”, he’s a 76 years old man, one of last experienced about this kind od ancient craft wooden work.

He uses to create them using nature wooden plants stuff, gathered by himself here around, on mount Etna and volcano foothill. 

– Several different crafts, gadget and country or special exterior or interior design and furniture, good for: house, bar, pub, lido, spiaggia, restaurant, bed and breakfast, hotel, studio, lounge, farm holiday, museum, art gallery and many more…

Travel to learn & discover tradition handcraft, art, artwork around Sicily.

Interested? Feel free to contact me. Available for gallery, exhibit, fair, showroom and for sale. – Telephone or whatsapp me +393490646962

Ecologic, handmade basket, stool furrizzi, wooden Ferula Etna by Don Alfio, my dad

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